ABC’s of Friendship: The Journey to Lasting Relationships

Applauds my success and shares my setbacks

Believes in me even when I doubt myself.

Cares about me and my well-being.

Delights in offering help and encouragement.

Enthusiastically supports me and my business.

Fills my heart with joy.

Gives unconditionally.

Holds me when I’m in a bad place.

Illuminates my life with a bright smile.

Joins me in my journey, wherever it takes us.

Keeps me going – ‘you can do this’.

Loves me even when I’m not loving myself.

Makes me feel very special.

Nurtures my dreams and helps to make them realities.

Offers support asking nothing in return.

Praises me.

Quietly listens without judgment.

Respects me and my individuality.

Supports me when I’m needy.

Takes time to keep in touch regardless of  geographic limitations.

Understands that we are all human and accepts my mistakes.

Values me and our relationship.

Wishes me the best always.

Xpects me to be human and vulnerable.

You keep me ‘young at heart’.

Zeros in on my needs and helps we along our journey.

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  • Heather

    This is awesome!! Thank you for sharing this,

  • Barbara Fabelo-Reynolds

    Wonderful, Insightful take! Thank you for sharing this with us as a lesson and a reminder!

    • Anonymous

      Thanks for being part of our community, Barbara! Hope you’ll check out my other blogs! Be well!

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